Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Video Blog Test

I shot and edited this video last night as a test to see how a video format is going to work. I'm not sure I like the idea yet.

Check it out, and please let me know what you think in the comments section here.

Your opinion counts. Too long? Too Detailed? Not enough background information? Need more music? Too Boring? Should I give up and stick to the traditional text and photos?

Do NOT be afraid of offending me. If you hate the video and will never read my blog again because of it, at least let me know why so I can improve in the future.


Patricia O'Connor said...

This video is informative and entertaining. I like seeing the progression of work and the end results.

The blog is well-written, as well as interesting. Both accounts of work are good, so I suggest going with whichever process you prefer.

Gabrielle said...

WOW! I officially like the video blogs. I like the way you actually give advice and teach us about the restoration process.

And thank you thank you THANK you for talking about safety and PPE. There are too many videos out there that DO not stress safety enough!

Overall, the length of the video is perfect, it's fun to watch, and we learn quite a bit!