Friday, September 21, 2012

Checking the Hood- Accident Damage

I was messing around in the garage today on another project, and it bugged me a little bit that the hood didn't quite sit right on the truck. Now all the body panels are going to be adjusted into place once they're put back on after refurbishment, but I wanted to see if something was messed up. The most noticeable thing was that the hood seemed to sit a little higher than the cowl vent behind it. Was the hood domed somehow? was the cowl too flat? The hood came off a different truck, a 20 series (mine is a 10 series), could that make a difference? I adjusted the hood and managed to get it this close:
 As you can see, there's still a fair amount of gap. In the horizontal plane,I can adjust it to be pretty close, but in the vertical plane it's still way out. During this process, I discovered why:

The cowl is bent downward. Looks like I'll need a new one of those, then. Maybe this one can be straightened, but I'm not sure I wouldn't be better off just replacing it.

I'm not too worried about it right now, but at least I have an idea where the problem lies. That accident all those years ago really did a number on the passenger side of the cab. I'm not sure I've ever described the damage in this blog. My intent is to make a video blog entry with a thorough assessment of all the truck's problems, so I won't get into much detail here.

The accident kind of caved in a bit of the firewall on the passenger side, mostly where it was weakened due to rust.

Hard to tell in the photo, but this rocker panel is slightly buckled, making the door opening slightly smaller. Probably one reason the door doesn't close properly.

This is the back of the cab. At the moment of impact, either the cab jumped back or (more likely) the bed jumped forward to cause this bit of damage. The bed isn't secured to the frame particularly well.

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Ouch. Looks like this part needs a lot of work!