1. Just because I've had something for a long time isn't necessarily a good reason to keep it. There has been more than one occasion where I've looked at something and been forced to wonder, "why do I still have this?"
2. I don't like throwing things away that don't necessarily have anything wrong with them except that I don't need them anymore. Fortunately, my wife has no such qualm.
3. You're never going to fix that old vacuum. You just aren't. Why would you, when you already have plenty of perfectly good vacuums lying about? Take it apart, save anything useful, and get rid of it.
4. It's surprising what people will take when you list it on cragislist for free. And that vacuum power head attachment will do more good being used by someone else than it will collecting dust in your closet.
5. There are some things that, although I didn't really want to get rid of when I was done with them, I don't care about at all anymore and would much rather just be rid of.
Despite all that I still have a lot of stuff lying around, but things are getting a bit better. Last week I made the decision that it's time to get rid of some of these extra pieces lying around. The first item on the chopping block was the rear bumper I bought at the auto swap three years ago. Since the rear bumper on there now has a nicer shape (in my opinion), I plan on repairing that one and have listed this one for sale. A bargain for someone at $35.
1963 "Dealership" Rear Bumper |
Oh, and of course that Porshce fender is out, too. I had someone contact me about it over the weekend, which is good- all it's doing is taking up space in my office.
The harder decision was which pair of rear fenders to keep. I came home from the auto swap three years ago with this set that had come with some bed box sides, and another set I picked up because they looked better. This past Friday night I threw both drivers side fenders into my truck and headed to a local "cruise in" in hopes to get some free advice. Most of the people I talked to agreed the brown one was better, but a professional panel beater had a look and declared that the, um, green and pink one was better, for the main reason that it had less interior surface rust and therefore was thicker. And I'm sure if I was any good with a hammer and a dolly I would agree with that. But if the Porche
In the case of the passenger side fender, both would be about an equal amount of work. I chose the brown one again, this time because it had less surface rust on the top.
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"Clutch Head" Bolt |
Today's progress was mostly cleaning up the garage and the shed. To make a long story short (why start now?), I moved some things from the shed to the garage and some things from the garage to the shed. A little sorting and arranging, a few shelves, and it'll all make sense again.