I realize it's been a while, but there is actually very little to report, progresswise. Since the last posting, I've started an annual homemade boat race, gotten a new job, bought a house and moved. The truck is now sitting in my new garage collecting dust, junk, wood scraps, tools, various home improvement materials and the like. In fact, there's still some junk in there from when I moved- I had loaded it up with things from the old garage, put it on a car hauler, brought it here and haven't unloaded yet!
Since this blog is not a forum for all of that personal kind of stuff, here's why I'm writing today: A few days ago, I got an interesting telephone call from my Dad. First, the back story- Many years ago (1997 or '98) Dad and I had hauled the parts truck from our house in Bartow to a sheet metal shop in south Lakeland for long term storage. (That's a whole story in and of itself.) We left it in the back corner of their yard, and after about five years, they decided to clean the place up. We had all assumed that they had scrapped the truck, as we had been back a number of times since and hadn't seen it. Now, fast forward to this past week- The guy calls my Dad up and asks him what he wants to do with it! Evidently it's still there, hiding amongst the junk and the weeds, rusting away right were we left it.
This, needless to say, caused a fair amount of excitement, but also raised several important questions: How badly has it deteriorated? Are any of the parts I need still on it? Are these parts intact? How much work will it take to move it? How will I move it? Where will I put it? The real thrust of all of these questions is whether or not it's worth it to extract the truck and bring it here. I expect that if I did bring it here and scrap it after I stripped it, I would do well to break even. The answers to these and many more questions would probably be answered, at least in part, by a fact finding trip down there in the next few weeks. So stay tuned!