Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14, 2009

Why do so many things have to happen on the same weekend? My roommate had plans, I had plans, it just happened to be valentines day, but most importantly (for the subject matter in this blog) it was the same weekend as the Webster Auto Swap Winter Extravaganza! I found this guy, Darren, from Texas on craigslist who specializes in 60-66 Chevy trucks and Suburbans. He makes trips to Florida and different areas of the southeast for events like the auto swap. I can provide contact information if anyone wants it, just leave a comment requesting it.

Friday I left from south of Miami, stopped in Orlando for dinner with the girlfriend, and on to Citrus County to my parents house, a convenient 30 miles from Webster (if you know the back way). My dad and I headed for the swap meet the next morning after an early breakfast. Now, the auto swap is held monthly, but this being their special event, it was twice the size it normally is. For those of you unfamiliar with this show, its like a big flea market with an auto theme and a car show. Hundreds of people from all over the southeast (and Texas, like Darren) set up tables or benches in this big field, or many sell stuff right off their trailers. Car parts, model cars, whole cars, mostly classics set up in an almost orderly fashion as far as the eye can see. They have a smattering of vendors that sell things that aren't even car related, which I have always found to be frustrating. I'm there to look for parts and accessories, not rugs or toys or wood carvings.

My dad and I walked around for probably over an hour, with my dad having to stop to rest a few times. By the time I found Darren, we had walked almost the whole place, and dad was out of steam. So he left. I bought the bedside panels and fenders that he brought with him. In the process of walking back across the fairgrounds to the ATM, I wound up finding other parts for sale. The long and short of it is that I left there with two sets of rear fenders, two sides of the box that makes up the bed, a tailgate, a rear bumper, and a seat. Sure, I spent more than I planned on, but I can use the best parts and sell the ones I don't use and get my money back. Plus, I can sell the fenders that are currently on the truck (a different shape, since they're off a '68) and get a little back for them, too.

All in all, it was a good trip. I drove back to my house with the back of my Taco piled high with parts, unloaded the truck, and still had time for a shower and a lovely evening with my girlfriend. Best Valentines Day ever.

Post Written on 4/15/09